About Us
Ham radio became an interest when I lived off the grid in a solar powered test house in the Mojave Desert near Inyokern, CA. In the early ’90′s cell phones were expensive & besides there was no coverage at our QTH. I had married a ham,Leo, N6JJQ, & had observed nets, HF contacts, phone patches & when traveling, the eye ball QSO’s with hams along the way, but what convinced me to get my license was wanting the ability to have emergency communications if something were to happen to one of the kids. Living in a remote location with no phone was unnerving so while pregnant with our third, I started taking classes & became a no code tech. Later I became a General with code. Both in Oregon, hence the 7 call.
My interest in ham radio grew as I participated in field day, & public service events that the CCARC (Clark County Amatuer Radio Club) participated in. I held the club sales position for over 10 years, wrote columns for the club newsletter, served on the board, & volunteered for communications events (ie: Discovery Walks, Ride Around Clark County, & ironically enough, the Race For The Cure).I credit my years of involvement with ham radio, both on air & as a volunteer with club events, with helping me overcome extreme shyness. The confidence gained through ham radio has truly been a blessing as have all the friends I’ve made.
Life evolves & I’m no longer married to Leo, N6JJQ,but my years of assisting in his booth at ham shows for his Omnitec Antennas led me to my passion for designing & selling T shirts related to the ham radio hobby. A few years ago he let me use a little room in his booth as a test market for a few shirt ideas & Hip Ham Shirts was launched.
I have loved traveling to the ham fests & conventions in the Northwest & most recenly a couple of ventures into California. My dream is to sell at hamfests across the country in every state but since my recent battle with breast cancer I’ve had to rethink my dream & rework it a bit. So instead of personally making it to every state,the Ham Club Fundraiser Program is enabling me to interact with clubs & hams across the country.
PHOTOS: 2012 I’M BACK!!! —-My first hamfest after having to cancel several until I was back on my feet & literally my first ham fest with my T-shirts 2006 at Seapac.